Mount and blade warband how to become marshal
Mount and blade warband how to become marshal

Apply lord personalities to process_hero_ai as well as party_set_ai_state.ġ. Handle spai_screening_party better as a substate of spai_accompanying_army.ġ0. Prevent marshal from getting stranded during operations.ĩ. Prevent marshal from gathering troops at previous enemy objective.Ĩ. Resolve confusion between the scale of the two distance functions (one is 1/100 of other).ħ. Resolve confusion between party size and party strength (size generally 1/20 of strength).ĥ. To balance #1, reduce amount of village raiding, in part by removing that as faction objective.Ĥ. Don't restrict parties to castle on a 30% basis (for an army of ideal size 300, this can be quite a large party).ģ. Then I decided, as long as I was there, I'd address other longstanding annoyances of the Campaign AI, much as I did for battlefield AI.Ģ. I found that a system intended to keep underpowered parties at home until they recruited more troops had no provision if such parties for one reason or another COULDN'T recruit more troops. 1.122 of Mount & Blade? At behest of our Brytenwalda mod players, I investigated why so many lords sat in their castles - in some cases for hundreds of game days. Remember how lord activity drastically dropped around v.

Mount and blade warband how to become marshal