Subway II was recorded at home in East London using a plethora of analog equipment and techniques that enabled them to create sound reflecting cityscapes such as Berlin, Dussseldorf, Detroit and Paris whilst at the same time creating a contemporary musical commentary of London in 2009. "Subway II, the debut album by Subway on Soul Jazz Records, is a startling cosmic marriage of influences – German electronic rock music from the 1970s (Cluster, Kraftwerk, Neu, Harmonia, Ash Ra Tempel), 80s Detroit science fiction techno (Carl Craig, Juan Atkins, Jeff Mills) and a hint of Italian and European disco (Danielle Baldelli meets Cerrone, Space, Moroder and Jean Michel Jarre).Subway are Michael Kirkman and Alan James and have been releasing music since 2000. Both will be released by Thrill Jockey records later this year. Matthew and Eleanor are also working on the Fiery Furnaces “Silent Record:” a non-record record, in book form, with notation and instructions. It might be called something like Your Cashier Today was ACM CASHIER 96. The band is very optimistic-despite or because of it all-and will continue its “Democ-Rock” efforts by releasing a fully-fledged Derocmacy in America limited edition vinyl box-set. That is pop music's promise and problem, or danger.

It's provided by the lives of the people who use-listen to-the music. Because-ideally-the dramatic setting of the music isn't provided by the story or image of the given act or band. So we hope that some of the songs on this record can be used as theme songs to folk's own personal versions of Taxi. And since the times are tough, it makes sense to have that “drama” be something more like a version of Taxi than something like a version of Titanic. Quote All rock music is a sort of dramatic music.